Warning Signs Of Worn Out Brake Pads

Maintenance of your vehicle's brakes does not only work toward keeping your car roadworthy, but it also enhances the lifespan of your vehicle. However, some vehicle owners tend to overlook their brakes and rarely carry out maintenance measures to keep them in good condition. Thus, your brakes eventually wear out you incur exorbitant costs in replacing them. However, if you can catch the telltale signs of worn out brake pads in good time, then you may not need to replace your entire braking system.  Here are some of the signs to look out for that would indicate your vehicle needs new brake pads

Vibrations from your brake pedal

If you are applying pressure on the brake pedal and you feel it pulsating beneath your foot, chances are the brake pads need to be replaced. These vibrations come about either when the brake pads have succumbed to wear and tear due to regular use, or if they have become warped over time due to overheating. An auto mechanic will have to assess the brake pad and establish whether the brake pads can be re-machined to be used again, or if you would have to purchase new brake pads for your vehicle.

Rattling sounds from your brakes

Brakes are supposed to function inaudibly. To do this, the vehicle manufacturers typically install a device that works toward ensuring the brakes are not rattling when pressure is applied on them while driving. When you start hearing clicking or rattling sounds emanating from the brakes, chances are the brake pads either have become dislodged or are worn out beyond repair.

Screeching sounds from your brakes

If whenever you are trying to brake and hear a high pitched screeching emanating from the brakes, it is likely that your brake pads require replacement. This high-pitched screeching is caused by a metal shim installed in the braking system. It is designed to produce this sound in the event that the brake pads are no longer functioning as they are supposed to. A mistake some people make is ignoring this screeching, especially since it can be muffled when there is music playing in the car. This is not advisable though, instead you should seek the services of an auto mechanic at your earliest convenience. In some instances, you may find that the brake pads have actually not been compromised. Instead, the sound may be caused due to rust developing on the brakes' rotor. In this scenario, eliminating the rust and lubricating the rotor should get rid of the screeching. 
